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Noto. A Garden of Stone

Germany 2023 – 53′

In January 1693, a strong earthquake destroyed the town of Noto and more than 60 other places in south-eastern Sicily.

In the following decades, placed in a new location, a unique Baroque city was born, absorbing influences from all over Europe.

In this film we meet Noto and its inhabitants, who will lead us to discover the origin of ‘Sicilian Baroque′.

A film by Renzo Carbonera and Markus Nikel.


  • In coproduction with SWR and ARTE

With the support of

  • Regione Sicilia
  • Sicilia Film Commission
  • Piano sviluppo e coesione Sicilia


  • The original music score by Luca Vasco is available on all major music streaming services.

Poster and press kit

  • Please download it here