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Helga′s Forest. Travelling among the Cimbri

Germany 2023 – 53′

Traduzione in inglese:

In the forests of Trentino lives a small, millennia-old community of Bavarian origin, now on the brink of extinction.

They are the Cimbri of Luserna. With barely more than a hundred people, they are the descendants of farmers from Bavaria who came to Northern Italy over 1,000 years ago.

Here lives Helga, the so-called “mushroom witch,” the only one in the village who knows exactly where to find the best mushrooms. She and all the residents of Luserna strive tirelessly to preserve their traditions, their culture, and their language, an ancient Bavarian dialect.

A film by Renzo Carbonera.


  • In coproduction with BR
  • In collaboration with ARTE


  • The original music score by Luca Vasco is available on all major music streaming services.

Poster and press kit

  • Please download it here.